Hey there!
I'm here with good news! I am so excited to announce that Bloom has moved here, to our new website! Isn't God faithful! *happy dance!*
Welcome to all who are new to Bloom. All the posts from the previous blog are here so do catch up before more content comes your way. :) To the frequent readers, I appreciate your support. Don't forget to subscribe via email here.
New ground means a lot more blooming. Pray for me as we continue this journey together. I cannot wait to see what God will unveil to us, especially through new features that I'll introduce such as devotionals and a whole lot more.
So much thanks to Bill, my web developer, who did an amazing& extraordinary job! I'm grateful for his support and keen eye and ear to execute the vision I had for the site. I'd definitely recommend him. Don't shy away from contacting me that I may share his contact with you! #letsmovetogether
I still am over the moon that we are now here at muenimuli.com!
Not to sound like an annoying gong, but do make sure you follow me via email on here so that you can receive email updates of all the new, exciting content coming your way.
All glory to God. Grace and peace!